
Showing posts from 2017

DV Infosys

DV Infosys WEBSITE AND ANDROID APPLICATION DEVELOPED most use of Android Programming code in this website are available for free code this programming are used the android  application create  Visit My website : DV Infosys  

Paying with Your Face

Face-detecting systems in China now authorize payments, provide access to facilities, and track down criminals. Will other countries follow? Availability: Now by  Will Knight S hortly after walking through the door at  Face++ , a Chinese startup valued at roughly a billion dollars, I see my face, unshaven and looking a bit jet-lagged, flash up on a large screen near the entrance. Having been added to a database, my face now provides automatic access to the building. It can also be used to monitor my movements through each room inside. As I tour the offices of Face++ (pronounced “face plus plus”), located in a suburb of Beijing, I see it appear on several more screens, automatically captured from countless angles by the company’s software. On one screen a video shows the software tracking 83 different points on my face simultaneously. It’s a little creepy, but undeniably impressive. Over the past few years, computers have become incredibly good at recognizing faces, and th

Android Studio Plugin Development

We all love plugins. With their help, we can add specific features to existing programs and improve our development experience. But have you ever tried to build your own plugin? In this article we’ll describe a step-by-step process of creating a simple plugin for  Android Studio  /  IntelliJ IDEA . If you are not acquainted with the structure of IDEA plugins, it’s outlined  here . The basic possibilities provided by IntelliJ IDEA are enough for creating plugins of any complexity: from those that resolve applied tasks to those that offer support for  custom programming languages. The only difficulty that you may have to deal with is finding relevant documentation. However, you can find answers to almost all possible questions on IDEA’s developer, JetBrains,  forum . Now, let’s see plugin development in action! What Android Styler plugin is used for The idea of the Android Styler plugin is to make Android developers’ lives easier when they create an XML layout. Normally, to cr